R v Harrison - definition. What is R v Harrison
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V&R Planning         
is a Japanese film production and distribution company based in Tokyo which specializes in adult videos (AV).
Tinsley R. Harrison         
Tinsley Harrison; Tinsley Randolph Harrison; T. R. Harrison
Tinsley Randolph Harrison (March 18, 1900 – August 4, 1978) was an American physician and editor of the first five editions of Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine. Harrison specialized in cardiology and the pathophysiology of heart disease.
R v DB         
R. v. D.B.
R v DB, 2008 SCC 25 is a landmark decision of the Supreme Court of Canada on youth justice and sentencing. The Court held the provisions of the Youth Criminal Justice Act that required presumptive adult sentences for youth convicted of certain offences to be unconstitutional.


R v Harrison
R v Harrison, 2009 SCC 34 is a decision of the Supreme Court of Canada on section 24(2) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The decision was a companion case of R v Grant, and applied the Supreme Court's new test to determine when evidence obtained from a Charter breach should be excluded.